The annual Student Government Food Drive at KES was a spectacular success again this year! As a school, we collected a total of 2,925 pounds of food (or 3, 464 items) as well as $427 in cash donations. During the month of March, the State of Minnesota does a partial match to all food shelf donations making our efforts grow even greater. Thank you to student government and the 5th grade teachers for all of the hard work in making this event such a success. And a special thanks to Jennifer Schiefelbein at the food shelf for coordinating all of our donations as well as providing a tour of the facilities to our student government members. #fooddrive #donate #community #KimballProud
1 day ago, Kimball Schools
students at food shelf
group photo of students at food shelf
students listening to food shelf representative
Kimball Area Community Ed, in partnership with Eden Valley-Watkins Community Ed program, is offering a Youth Track & Field program in April and May. All registrations can be found at:
2 days ago, Kimball Community Ed
2025 Youth T&F
Student Government will be hosting a Color Run on May 3rd!
4 days ago, Carly Serbus
Color Run  (1)
Kimball Area community members can drop off gently used youth baseball and softball equipment at the high school tonight, March 25, from 5:30-7:00 pm in the Wirth Gym foyer. Park in the south lot and enter door #10. The free equipment swap will take place on March 29 at the high school from 8 am - 12 pm during the EXPO. All families in the area looking for free and gently used items for summer baseball and softball are welcome to participate in this equipment swap. #StrongerTogether
4 days ago, Kimball Community Ed
Youth BB & SB Equipment Swap
Students at KES had a fun-filled day of inflatables as part of our Cubs Pride program. This is a school-wide program that focuses on core values and positive behaviors at school. Great job to our students for reaching their goal of filling the fish tank with paw slips!
over 55 years ago, Kimball Schools
students climbing inflatable
students waiting at inflatables
students sliding down inflatable
students waiting at inflatables
students sliding down inflatable
students waiting at inflatables
student rolling across inflatable
students jumping in bounce house
students sliding down inflatable
full cubs pride fish tank
Just a reminder, there is a Mandatory Trap Shooting Safety Meeting this Sunday, March 23, 7:00pm in the High School Cafetorium. Athlete and at least 1 parent need to attend. This is for students grades 7-12 who registered for Trap Shooting with Coach Tony or Carly Serbus. NO GUNS!! Door 10 (back parking lot by the Gyms) will be open starting at 6:30p. Any questions just let Carly Serbus or Coach Tony Verhey know!
over 55 years ago, Carly Serbus
What makes us different, makes us AMAZING!
over 55 years ago, Kimball Schools
mismatched socks
The 2025 Alumni Basketball Tournament has bee rescheduled for this Saturday, March 22, at the Kimball Area High School. Doors will open by 8:30 am. There is no admission for guests and no concessions. The round robin tournament will start at 9:00 am, with a 3-point contest featured at 2:45 pm and the Championship game at 3:00 pm in the Wirth Gym. Good luck Cubs! #KimballProud
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
2024 Alumni BB Champs
2025 Alumni BB Tourney Schedule
Kimball Area High School is hosting the Kimball Area Community EXPO on Saturday, March 29, from 8 am-12 pm in the gyms and cafetorium. A breakfast will be served from 8 am-10:30 am. Admission is free for community members. Park in the south lot and enter door 10. #KimballProud
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
2025 Expo
Kimball hosted the CMC Speech Meet on Tuesday, March 18th. Kimball had four students participate in the conference meet: Elaina Fink, Maddie Groinus, Aurora Voigt, and Pyper Burg. Elaina Fink placed 2nd in the Informative category. Maddie Groinus placed 3rd in Original Oratory category. Aurora Voigt placed 6th in Extemporaneous Reading category. Congratulations!!
over 55 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball Area Theater will showcase its 2025 Spring Play, Clue, on April 4, 5 and 6 in the cafetorium at the high school. Opening night begins at 7:00 pm on Friday, April 4. The following day, Saturday, April 5, will feature two shows at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm. Both shows on April 5 will offer a $10 dinner theater option being served an hour before each show (12:00 pm and 6:00 pm), respectively. The Sunday matinee curtains open at 2:00 pm. More details to come regarding the dinner theater. #KimballTheater
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
2025 Spring Play - Clue
Students at Kimball Elementary School celebrated Pi Day, 3/14, by playing games and creating art all about circles in STEM class. Pi is the mathematical constant created by dividing the circumference of a circle by its diameter. Pi starts as 3.14, but goes on infinitely.
over 55 years ago, Kimball Schools
Students building with red solo cups
students coloring on the floor
PI day art
Third grade students have been working hard on creating biome projects that are displayed in the elementary media center hallway. Check out this sampling of their fantastic work!
over 55 years ago, Kimball Schools
country side biome
Savannah biome
Tundra biome
ocean biome
arctic biome
deciduous forest biome
Savannah Biome
rainforest biome
aquatic biome
Due to low registration numbers, the Kimball Area Junior Olympic Volleyball tournaments scheduled for April 12 and 13 in Kimball have been cancelled. #KimballCommunityEd
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
JO VB Tourney Cancelled
Art Club and Ceramics students went to Maine Prairie Studios and got to see throwing demos and processes by Megan Jorgenson. Feel free to check out what they are offering at
over 55 years ago, Carly Serbus
art club
Switching schools is a very important decision. Finding the right fit for both the student and parents is something that takes time. Thank you for taking the time to consider Kimball Schools for your future education.
over 55 years ago, Kimball Schools
hs open house infographic
The Kimball Area Fine Arts Department will proudly present the 2025 Pastiche Show on March 17, starting at 7:00 pm in the Wirth Gym at the high school. This performance features music and art from students in grades 9-12. We hope that you are able to enjoy the magnificent visual art that the Kimball students are creating! #KimballFineArts
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
2025 Pastiche Show
Registration for summer travel softball (Gr. 3-11) is due March 15. Online registration is available through Kimball Area Community Ed at:
over 55 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Summer Ball Registration
CLICK THE LINK TO REVEAL THE UPCOMING SUMMER MUSICAL: Maine Prairie Theater Company, in partnership with Kimball Area Community Education, will be performing "Legally Blonde" in August of 2025. Auditions for the summer community theater production will take place on May 19 and 20 from 5-7 pm at the Kimball Area High School (enter door #10). Callbacks are scheduled for May 21. Contact with questions. #KimballTheater #KimballCommunityEd
18 days ago, Kimball Schools
musical audition poster
A huge thank you to Amy and Josh Meyer along with Bank Vista for this year's sponsorship of our Junior Achievement program at KES. Amy does a GREAT job volunteering her time and resources to teach students about money management, how to write out checks and general business practices such as what kinds of goods and services populate a city and how businesses need to balance their prices with supply and demand. At the end of each program, Bank Vista supplies a gold coin for each student.
19 days ago, Kimball Schools
teacher presenting on a smartboard
teacher showing students about a board game
certificate of achievement and gold coin from bank vista
student recieving gold coin