Ms. Strack's 4th grade WIN class did a book study on "A Christmas Carol" and today they attended the play at the Guthrie Theatre.
Jr. Cubs basketball program for boys and girls in grades K-6 begins Saturday, January 5. Please see the registration form for more details.
"Deck the halls"... Kimball FFA students decked the halls at Kimball High School.
Final Cubs 46 Evw 70
8 minutes to go down 51 to 31
Halftime Cubs 20 EVW 34
Cubs boys basketball hosting EVW tonight down 15 to 7 with eight minutes remaining in first half.
Kimball students have winter art show.
pictured- 8th grade Cardboard project, Riley Spoden and Stephanie Massmann's creations.
Kimball High School selects Triple A award winners:
Congratulations Casey Gohmann & Julia Zipoy!
Kimball Junior High and Senior High Band and Choir Christmas Concert held on Monday night was a success. This was the first Junior High Choir Concert in years. Kimball Art Students also featured their work last night! What a talented bunch of Students we have here in Kimball!
Wright County Public Health is providing an “ I Can Prevent Diabetes” National health and wellness class in the Annandale Area starting January 9, 2019. The class has a one-time fee of $30 and is open to anyone who is interested. See the flyer for more details.
IT'S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME FOR CHIPOTLE, but stop by the St. Cloud location near Barnes & Noble tomorrow, Dec 11, between 4-8PM and show this flyer for 33% of your purchase to go toward the annual 5th grade fundraiser!
Kimball FFA is selling meat boxes to support the new town library. Check out the flyer for details.
Cubs 53 Royalton 45 boys basketball
Royalton 17 Kimball 16 at half
Boys basketball hosting Royalton tonight down 13 to 7
The PIE Raffle runs through Friday. Other donations and baskets include: $100 to Backyard Garden Creations, $25 to Gohmann’s, 1 adult activity pass, $100 in Kimball Bucks from Harvest Bank, 2 lg pizzas and a dozen donuts from Casey’s, and a gift card to Kim-Built Country Store.
Congratulations to the November KES Students of the Month!
KAHS Students posing under the new school zone signs recently installed on Hwy 55. Reminder to drivers to slow down when students are present.
Kimball HS invites local business leaders to a Dec 17 lunch meeting to learn about partnering with us in Youth Apprenticeship. Contact Nancy Bonnifield, HS Principal for more information. Spread the word!