Ms. Strack's 4th grade WIN class did a book study on "A Christmas Carol" and today they attended the play at the Guthrie Theatre.
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
WIN class goes to Guthrie
Jr. Cubs basketball program for boys and girls in grades K-6 begins Saturday, January 5. Please see the registration form for more details.
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
jr. cubs
"Deck the halls"... Kimball FFA students decked the halls at Kimball High School.
about 6 years ago, Carly Serbus
Final Cubs 46 Evw 70
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
8 minutes to go down 51 to 31
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
Halftime Cubs 20 EVW 34
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
Cubs boys basketball hosting EVW tonight down 15 to 7 with eight minutes remaining in first half.
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
Kimball students have winter art show. pictured- 8th grade Cardboard project, Riley Spoden and Stephanie Massmann's creations.
about 6 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball High School selects Triple A award winners: Congratulations Casey Gohmann & Julia Zipoy!
about 6 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball Junior High and Senior High Band and Choir Christmas Concert held on Monday night was a success. This was the first Junior High Choir Concert in years. Kimball Art Students also featured their work last night! What a talented bunch of Students we have here in Kimball!
about 6 years ago, Carly Serbus
JH Choir
SH Band
SH Choir
Art Show
Wright County Public Health is providing an “ I Can Prevent Diabetes” National health and wellness class in the Annandale Area starting January 9, 2019. The class has a one-time fee of $30 and is open to anyone who is interested. See the flyer for more details.
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
IT'S ALWAYS A GOOD TIME FOR CHIPOTLE, but stop by the St. Cloud location near Barnes & Noble tomorrow, Dec 11, between 4-8PM and show this flyer for 33% of your purchase to go toward the annual 5th grade fundraiser!
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
Kimball FFA is selling meat boxes to support the new town library. Check out the flyer for details.
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
Cubs 53 Royalton 45 boys basketball
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
Royalton 17 Kimball 16 at half
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
Boys basketball hosting Royalton tonight down 13 to 7
about 6 years ago, Byron Westrich
The PIE Raffle runs through Friday. Other donations and baskets include: $100 to Backyard Garden Creations, $25 to Gohmann’s, 1 adult activity pass, $100 in Kimball Bucks from Harvest Bank, 2 lg pizzas and a dozen donuts from Casey’s, and a gift card to Kim-Built Country Store.
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
Congratulations to the November KES Students of the Month!
about 6 years ago, Kimball Schools
KAHS Students posing under the new school zone signs recently installed on Hwy 55. Reminder to drivers to slow down when students are present.
about 6 years ago, Erik Widvey
KAHS Students with MnDot sign
Kimball HS invites local business leaders to a Dec 17 lunch meeting to learn about partnering with us in Youth Apprenticeship. Contact Nancy Bonnifield, HS Principal for more information. Spread the word!
about 6 years ago, Nancy Bonnifield
Intro to Engineering