Cubs football 6 points KMS 13 Midway through second quarter
KAHS 9th Graders visit Kimball City Hall
Can you help us out? We are looking to update our census. Do you have a child between the ages of 0 - 5? We need you to complete this form and send it into the district office. This helps us plan for future programming!
Kimball Community Education/Sports Booster Grades 3-4 & 5-6 Youth Football Program has been cancelled for today, September 20, due to the lovely MN weather : )
Cross Country Practice has been cancelled for today, Thurs., Sept. 20
No jh football practice Sep 20 and 21
Varsity football practice in Wirth gym
8th volleyball game moved to North gym
Cubs volleyball lose in three tonight to Royalton
Volleyball hosting Royalton tonight
Homecoming Festivities Start Next Week- Sept., 23-28:
Sunday: Coronation 7:30 pm Cafetorium
Monday: Get up and Go (PJ day)
Tuesday: Twinning Day (dress alike)
Wednesday: Wacky day
Thursday: Dress your best (also HS Picture Day)
Thursday: Homecoming Volleyball game vs. BBE 7:15
Friday: School Spirit Day
King of the Court Volleyball @ 8:30am
Powderpuff Football @ 2p
Homecoming Football Game vs. Royalton 7:00
Homecoming Dance Grades 9-12 9:00p
The life science and biology classes would like to thank the Sauk River watershed district for helping sample the storm pond near school for macroinvertebrates. We would also like to thank Hendricks bus company for allowing us to use the storm pond in front of their business.
It is a Beautiful Day at the Big Truck Event!
Cubs win
Halftime score cubs 14 Panthers 12
Cubs football 0 Parkers Prairie 12 start of 2nd quarter
Tucker Schultz, has been named the CMC Athlete of the Week for Sept. 3-7, 2018. Tucker completed 10-16 passing for 200 yard and 1 TD. Tucker also had 6 rushes for 70 yards and 3 TD's against BBE. Congratulations Tucker!
Mary Bernardy's 6th grade class worked together to make a $100 donation to the Kimball Public Library building project. Thanks for your hard work and generosity! Get more information on the project at
Cross country take first place in Little Crow meet at New London Spicer
Community Education SPARK Dance class is filling up fast. Register now to get your spot!
Wednesdays, September 26-November 14, 3-4:30 pm at the Community Education Center, $40. Register online with Community Education on the school website or call Cathy at #398-7700 x 1112.
Community Education is still taking registrations for Grades 3-5 after school Soccer. Mondays, September 17-October 8, 3-4 pm at the elementary school. Register online with Community Education on the school website or call Cathy at #398-7700 x 1112 to register.
Coming Saturday, September 15, 9:00 - 11:00 am at KES: ECFE Big Truck Event! Come and explore a tractor, truck, bus, and police vehicle. It's an event you don't want to miss! Click the link for full details.