Sculpture student's toured Brodin Studios.
about 7 years ago, Jesse Lesnau
Last chance to RSVP for Parent Learning Series, pt 2. Wednesday from 5:30-7:00. Supper is FREE! Email
about 7 years ago, Nancy Bonnifield
Parent Learning, pt 2
Just a reminder... No School on Friday, Feb. 16 and Monday, Feb. 19! Have a great long weekend! Go Cubs!
about 7 years ago, Carly Serbus
Cook’s prepared a Special Valentine Lunch with serving ‘Cupid’ Cheese Pizza for the students and staff today!💕
about 7 years ago, Sherry Hanson
There was a great turnout for Read With the One You Love at KES today! Students and loved ones filled the building with the sound of reading and laughter.
about 7 years ago, Kimball Schools
Student Government delivered Valentines to residents and staff at Savanna Prairie. Happy Hearts Day!!
about 7 years ago, Kimball Schools
Civics class re-enacts ILLINOIS V WARDLOW Case 3rd Hour
about 7 years ago, Joe Stangle
Civics class re-enacts ILLINOIS V WARDLOW case 1st Hour
about 7 years ago, Joe Stangle
Kimball students get to experience fresh fruits and vegetables daily!!
about 7 years ago, Sherry Hanson
Congratulations to the FFA Parli Team, they are heading to State! Go Cubs!
about 7 years ago, Carly Serbus
WonderWeavers Storytellers entertained students at KES today with imaginative and funny tales!
about 7 years ago, Amy Serbus
Thank you Wonder Weavers for AMAZING storytelling today at KES!
about 7 years ago, Keri Johnson
KES Students of the Month
about 7 years ago, Keri Johnson
I Love to Read Kick Off Assembly!
about 7 years ago, Keri Johnson
It was a great turn out for our Community Barn Dance. A HUGE thank you to Emma Hohulin and Cristina Seaborn from Central MN Arts Board for making this event possible. Thanks for dancing with us!
about 7 years ago, Keri Johnson
Congratulations to the Robotics Teams that competed at the State Tournament on Friday and Saturday Feb. 2nd and 3rd! The JH Team placed 2nd in State and the Varsity Placed 3rd in State! Go Cubs!
about 7 years ago, Carly Serbus
I Love to Read Month has begun! Kick-off on Tuesday 2/6, classes wear these colors: K-orange, 1-red, 2-blue, 3-yellow, 4-green, 5-black. Storyteller in the afternoon.
about 7 years ago, Kimball Schools
Read like a Champion
Abbey Schiefelbein is the Region AAA winner. She will compete at State on March 24, at the Boys Basketball Tournament. She will be announced on TV at halftime during the Boys AA Basketball Finals. Congratulations Abbey!
about 7 years ago, Carly Serbus
Robotics headed to state to defend their title. Good luck! We're proud of you.
about 7 years ago, Kimball Schools
Robotics 2018
10th grade students learning CPR today
about 7 years ago, Byron Westrich