Kimball’s Youth Football Night was a success under the "Friday Night Lights" as the Cubs rolled to a District Championship with a 32-6 victory over Upsala-Swanville on Oct. 19. Way to go Cubs! #KimballFootball #KimballCommunityEd #StrongerTogether
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Youth Football
Tackle Football
Kimball Football
Kimball Youth Football
District Champions!!! With a win over Upsala Swanville 32-6 tonight on Senior and Parent night, making your Kimball Cubs 8-0 for the regular season! Playoffs start next week (TBD)! Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
The varsity football team presented a team autographed football to Paxton Dingmann after returning home from having open heart surgery! They are looking forward to seeing one of their youngest and toughest fans at their future games!!
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kindergarten hosted an adorable ABC Fashion Show today! Each student wore a vest that they created by adding items that represented their specific letter of the alphabet.
over 2 years ago, Kimball Schools
alphabet fashion show
alphabet fashion show
alphabet fashion show
alphabet fashion show
A friendly reminder that the 5th Quarter program for students in grades 6-12 will take place after the Kimball varsity football game tonight on Oct. 19. Supervision, food and fun activities will be provided at the United Methodist Church until 11:30 pm tonight. Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
5th Quarter
Come cheer on Andrew Lueders, Brett Schiefelbein, Chris Erickson, Austin Schindler, Andrew Mehr, Gavin Winter, Kade Gassler, Evan Powell and Andrin Huber and the rest of the team for Senior night and Parents night, tonight (Wed., Oct. 19, 7:00) vs USA. Go Cubs!!
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball’s Youth Volleyball Night was a success! Thank you to the families and fans who came out to support the Cubs enroute to a 3-set sweep over ACGC. #KimballVolleyball
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Youth Volleyball
Kimball Volleyball
Kimball Youth Volleyball
Kimball Volleyball
Congratulations to the EVW-K Girl's Cross Country team who won the 2022 CMC Championship in Royalton on Oct. 18. Hats off to the EVW-K Boy's team as well who finished in 4th place. Way to go runners!
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Come out and celebrate Lexi Myers, Hallie Arnold, Janessa Durham, Olivia Mortenson and Kristen Hilbert for senior night at tonights, (Tues., Oct. 18) Volleyball matchup vs. ACGC! JV starts at 5:45. Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball is hosting a Tackle Cancer football game on Wednesday, October 19th, against USA and we are including the Tuesday night volleyball game as well. We will be collecting donations at both games for the Randy Shaver Tackle Cancer fund. The mission of the Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund is to assist and support the cancer community in Minnesota by funding research, prevention, treatment, and other programs relating to the cancer community's principal needs. We need everyone in our community to gather around and help fight cancer. Come support our school athletics and the fight against cancer.
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Tackle Cancer
Registration deadline extended to Oct. 19 for Kimball Youth Boys & Girls Travel Basketball (Gr. 4-6). Go Cubs! #KimballHoops #KimballCommunityEd
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Youth Basketball
Kimball’s 7th and 8th grade volleyball teams competed in the CMC tourney at Royalton on Oct. 15. Congrats to the 7th grade team who won the Championship! Way to go Cubs! #KimballVolleyball
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
CMC 7th grade Champions!
7th grade VB
Kimball 8th grade VB
Kimball 8th grade VB
Kimball Football upsets undefeated BOLD 24-14. Kimball is now 7-0 for the season! Go Cubs!
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Alpine Skiing Parent Meeting: Thursday, November 10, 6:00 @ Powder Ridge
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Andy Becker
Livestream for the Football game vs. BOLD tonight, Friday, Oct. 14:
over 2 years ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball town Officer Jordan Ulbricht and his colleague visited 3rd grade today and brought along missing person bloodhound "Stormy". They discussed respect, lockdowns and a typical day on the job. Students even got to take a peak inside their squad car.
over 2 years ago, Kimball Schools
office visit
office visit
office visit
office visit
Menu change for Middle/High School Students: Friday, October 14th we will be serving Max Stix with Marinara or Salad or Deli Sub. Wednesday, October 19th we will be serving Stromboli with Marinara or Salad or Deli Sub. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you and have a great evening
over 2 years ago, Sherry Hanson, Kimball FSD for Taher Inc.
Kimball volleyball players in grades 3-5 enjoyed Coach Hunt's camp this past month. Way to go Cubs! #KimballVolleyball
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Volleyball
Third grade students had a fun learning day at Schiefelbein Farms on Wedneday.
over 2 years ago, Kimball Schools
Schiefelbein Farms Tour
Schiefelbein Farms Tour
Schiefelbein Farms Tour
Schiefelbein Farms Tour
Kimball students in 7th and 8th grade enjoyed a Project Earth fieldtrip at Saint John's on Oct. 11. #StrongerTogether
over 2 years ago, Kimball Community Ed
Project Earth
Project Earth
Project Earth
Project Earth