Kimball Area Jr. Cubs Basketball players in grades 2-6 showcased their skills during halftime on Feb. 16. The Cubs had over 30 youngsters participate this winter. Thank you to the head varsity coaches and players who led the way. Go Cubs! #KimballHoops #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Go Cubs! Tonights events: Wrestling Team Sections at Eden Valley Watkins, 5:00. Girls Basketball at Kimball vs. Holdingford, 5:45
about 1 year ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball Area Jr. Cubs Basketball players in grades K-1 showcased their skills during halftime on Feb. 15. The Cubs had over 30 youngsters participate this winter. Thank you to the head varsity coaches and players who led the way. Go Cubs! #KimballHoops #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Jr. Cubs K-1
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Jr. Cubs
Kimball Area Jr. Cubs Basketball players will be showcasing their skills during halftime of the boy's varsity game on Feb. 15 (Gr. K-1) and during halftime of the girl's varsity game on Feb. 16 (Gr. 2-6). Go Cubs!
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Jr. Cubs BB
Go Cubs! Boys Basketball at Kimball tonight against Maple Lake.
about 1 year ago, Carly Serbus
Kimball Area senior high choir members had strong performances at the Solo and Ensemble contest in Eden Valley on Feb. 12. The Cubs earned six superior ratings, including the highest rating score of 38/40 by Taylor Libbesmeier. #KimballFineArts #KimballProud
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Area Choir
A friendly reminder that there is no Open Gym on Sunday, Feb. 11. Enjoy the Super Bowl game. #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
No Open Gym - Feb. 11
The 22nd Annual Kimball Alumni Basketball Tournament was a success on Feb. 10. Team 2005-2007 defended their title with a 41-35 victory over Team 2008-2012 in the Championship game. It was great to have the Kimball alumni back in the gym. #OnceACubAlwaysACub #KimballProud
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
2024 Alumni BB
The 4th Annual Kimball Area ECFE Sweetheart Dance was a success on Feb. 9. Nearly 200 community members enjoyed dancing, snacks, crafts, games and raffle baskets. Thank you to our NHS volunteer students and Kimball staff members for helping with this successful event. A special thank you to the local businesses who donated raffle prizes, Sam's Club for donating cookies and Traut Water for providing bottled water. All proceeds will go towards a future Preschool playground at the elementary school. A sweet time was had by all. #KimballECFE #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
NHS DJ volunteers
Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance
Kimball Area's 5th grade boy's basketball team became 3-peat Champions of the Holdingford Tournament on Feb. 10. The Cubs went undefeated with victories over Minnewaska, Swanville and Upsala. Way to go Cubs! #KimballHoops #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball 5th grade BB
The Kimball Area Sweetheart Dance is tonight from 6-8 pm at the elementary school! Tickets are available at the door (cash or check only). There will be dancing, snacks, crafts, photo opportunities, raffle baskets to bid on and glow sticks to purchase. Please bring extra cash for the fundraising opportunities and the local Girl Scouts Troop will be selling cookies as well. All families with children birth-5th grade in the area are welcome to attend. See you there! #KimballECFE #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Sweetheart Dance - Feb. 9
Game Day! Boys Basketball @ EVW. 5:45. Go Cubs!!
about 1 year ago, Carly Serbus
Open Gym will NOT be offered on Feb. 11 due to the Super Bowl. Enjoy the game! #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
No Open Gym - Feb. 11, 2024
The 22nd Annual Kimball Alumni Basketball Tournament is scheduled for Feb. 10 at the Kimball Area High School. The first game is slated for 9:00 am with the Championship tilt set to start at 5:15 pm. The special event will also feature a 3-point contest. Admission is $3 for adults and $1 for students. Concessions will be available (cash only). Kimball is excited to welcome back their alumni as Team 2005-07 looks to defend its 2023 Championship. #KimballHoops #KimballProud
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Alumni BB
2024 Alumni BB Bracket
Alumni BB
Alumni BB
Game Day! Girls Basketball is Home vs. Maple Lake, 5:45! It's Parents Night!! Boys Basketball @ LPGE, 4:45. Wrestling @ Sibley East, 5:00. Go Cubs!
about 1 year ago, Carly Serbus
JV Knowledge Bowl takes 3rd Place at HLWW today!! Great Job!!!
about 1 year ago, Carly Serbus
There is still time to purchase Sweetheart Dance tickets before the event this Friday! All families in the area with children ages birth-5th grade are welcome to attend.
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Sweetheart Dance Feb 9
Kimball Area Youth Wrestling practices are cancelled on Feb. 5. Thank you for your understanding and GO CUBS! #KimballWrestling #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
The Kimball Area 13U JO Volleyball team faced tough competition at the Monticello tournament on Feb. 4 and earned third place honors in the gold bracket. Way to go Cubs! #KimballVolleyball #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball 13U JO VB
Kimball 13U JO VB
Congrats to the Kimball Area 12U JO Volleyball squad that finished 1st in the silver division at the Monticello tourney on Feb. 4. Way to go Cubs! #KimballVolleyball #KimballCommunityEd
about 1 year ago, Kimball Community Ed
Kimball 12U VB